Right from my teenage years, the disease PCOD has been a torn in my flesh. I was diagnosed with an advanced case of PCOD but not before almost dying from it due to excessive bleeding, but that's a story for another day. As a result of my condition I always had it in my mind that I would never be a mom. I resigned to the fact that I would probably be one of those people that has many dogs in their home. Even before marrying my now husband I told him a hundred times that he probably won't have kids and all the time he said "whatever God has in mind for us". After we got married and wanted to start a family, I went to many different doctors trying to find the right treatment. It was an emotional rollercoaster of hope, tears, anger, dissapointment, wanting to give up, depression.... you name it. I never really told anyone the effect the treatment was having on me because I didn't think anyone would understand. I was ready to try anything from diet, exercise, medicine...
One of the most beautiful gifts in life is to have someone sincerely pray for you. I have been so blessed to have had people who prayed for me when I needed it the most and I wanted to share those examples to demonstrate the power of prayers. I might have already shared it in other blogs but I can go on repeating the goodness of God in my life. My hope through this blog is that reading it, you might get down on your knees and pray for that person who needs your prayers. To start with, my dear mother. Well she always prayed for us, however there is this one incident that always stuck with me. We had a party, after which me and my sister got very ill from food poisoning when we were really young. I remember I was in the third standard at the time and I ended up being the worst affected. Both me and my sis were rushed to the hospital. However, I refused to eat anything because I couldn't keep anything down and that kept worsening my condition. It had been almost 5 days and I just kept...