Right from my teenage years, the disease PCOD has been a torn in my flesh. I was diagnosed with an advanced case of PCOD but not before almost dying from it due to excessive bleeding, but that's a story for another day. As a result of my condition I always had it in my mind that I would never be a mom. I resigned to the fact that I would probably be one of those people that has many dogs in their home. Even before marrying my now husband I told him a hundred times that he probably won't have kids and all the time he said "whatever God has in mind for us". After we got married and wanted to start a family, I went to many different doctors trying to find the right treatment. It was an emotional rollercoaster of hope, tears, anger, dissapointment, wanting to give up, depression.... you name it. I never really told anyone the effect the treatment was having on me because I didn't think anyone would understand. I was ready to try anything from diet, exercise, medicine...
Through this blog, I wish to share my personal experiences and also answer a few questions which I myself have struggled with at some point in my life. Now that I have found some of my answers, through a better understanding of the Bible, I would like to share it with others so that those who have the same question may find comfort in it.