In a world where one night stands, live-in relationships and casual sex is common talk, many do not even know the meaning of the word, chastity. Even if they do, its often looked down upon as an ancient concept and also frowned upon in many circles. To remain chaste is to avoid all forms of sexual intimacy and the temptation towards such, outside the bonds of marriage. Chastity is the opposite of lust and lust is the opposite of love. To lust over someone is to see what we can get out of the other inorder to fulfill our own desires. But to love is to die to ones own selfish desires, for the well being of the other. To observe the virtue of chastity is to avoid looking at a person as a means to an end, instead to look at the other with love. Why is fornication (sex outside marriage) considered a sin by the Church ? Sex outside marriage is considered a mortal sin and this is based on Jesus' own teachings where he says "I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman wit...
Through this blog, I wish to share my personal experiences and also answer a few questions which I myself have struggled with at some point in my life. Now that I have found some of my answers, through a better understanding of the Bible, I would like to share it with others so that those who have the same question may find comfort in it.