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Showing posts from May, 2021

Tribute to the Holy Spirit for his presence in my life

As a child, I could relate to Jesus or God the Father but I always found the Holy Spirit very mysterious and sometimes scary. I would only be able to relate the experience of the Spirit to people talking in tongues or trembling which would scare me a little. It was over time, after I had a strong experience of the Holy Spirit myself that I slowly began to see him as a person. Looking back at life, I don't think I would still be alive without the presence of the Spirit. What I want to do in this blog is recount the ways the Holy Spirit has been there for me, hoping that my experience may inspire someone to call upon the Spirit of God today and deepen your relationship with this kind and gentle friend.  The Spirit my counsellor: Very rarely have I heard the voice of the Spirit so clearly as when one day, before we were married, my fiancĂ© wasn't keeping well and his parents were out of town. I checked up on him in the morning and his fever seemed under control so I felt it was sa...