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Showing posts from March, 2021

Wine mixed with myrrh

It's been a really long time since I have written a blog, but something in today's Gospel reading, struck a chord with me. It was the fact that Jesus on his way to Calvary was offered wine mixed with myrrh, a commonly used pain killer in those days but he refused to drink it. Even the cruel crowd and heartless soldiers who have witnessed probably hundreds of executions, knew that the pain of crucifixion was too much for a human to bear and in an escaping glimpse of some humanity they offered him some relief, but he wouldn't take it until he completed his mission. This verse thugs at my heart strings because it reminds me of times when I knew suffering was in store for me but I desperately searched for a way out. One such incident,  happened to me two years back when I knew I was having a miscarriage. It's something I haven't spoken of till now, mainly because for me, it was more than anything a battle of my faith. I couldn't understand why it was happening to me...