When I was much younger, I was asked to come along for a prayer meeting, it was my first so I went with a bit of hesitation. Everything was going well, until the person conducting the meeting, asked the congregation to pray in tongues. It was literally the first time I heard about it and being curious, I took a look around the room only to end up terrified as I seen people's hands trembling and heard them speaking in a language I couldn't understand. That day I decided I would stop going for any further meetings as I didn't know what to make out of that experience. I remember thinking, they got to be making it up, how is this even possible? Growing up, I struggled to understand how we profess to believe in One God, when there are three persons of the trinity, God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. One explanation which really helped me came from a priest who asked us to think of the trinity as an olive tree. Imagine God the Father as the roots, Jesus as the branc...
Through this blog, I wish to share my personal experiences and also answer a few questions which I myself have struggled with at some point in my life. Now that I have found some of my answers, through a better understanding of the Bible, I would like to share it with others so that those who have the same question may find comfort in it.