When I was in my teens I hated going for mass. I spent the hour looking out of the window or at people around me. I was always zoned out, never responding to prayers and never singing hymns. The problem was, I just didn’t understand why I was there and had no clue what was going on during mass. However, things changed over the years as I began to understand why we do what we do during the Eucharist and the more you know, the more you begin to fall in love with it. Why do we go for mass? Firstly, let us understand why a person of any religion goes to a place of worship. Well, they go for just that, WORSHIP. It is the purpose of any holy place or the foundation on any religion. But who is worship for? Is it for you? Is it important that you feel uplifted, or that you like the preaching or you feel like the hymns touched you? Not at all, worship is for God alone! Hence, it would be important that we worship in a way that is pleasing to God. However, In order to understand how t...
Through this blog, I wish to share my personal experiences and also answer a few questions which I myself have struggled with at some point in my life. Now that I have found some of my answers, through a better understanding of the Bible, I would like to share it with others so that those who have the same question may find comfort in it.