Sooner or later, in your spiritual life, you end up battling with God as I often have when faced with an illness that has no cure or a problem that seems to have no solution. It's in moments when you desperately need God that he seems to be silent and the longing for him to act gets unbearable. Where is he at such times? Does he not hear your prayers? Does he not see your tears? At such times we can easily relate to the disciples in the boat amidst a raging storm who go and find Jesus sleeping in the stern. They seem terribly upset to find him so unaffected by the chaos around and they wake him up, just as we often shout out to God for help when he doesn't seem to respond to our problems. The disciples address Jesus saying, "Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?" To answer their doubts, Jesus calms the storm in an instant saying "Peace! Be still!" How can Jesus give peace when there is chaos around? The key is in the next two words, "Be...
Through this blog, I wish to share my personal experiences and also answer a few questions which I myself have struggled with at some point in my life. Now that I have found some of my answers, through a better understanding of the Bible, I would like to share it with others so that those who have the same question may find comfort in it.